In fact, his politically-charged social media posts wound up getting him fired from his $2.5-million-a-year gig as a baseball analyst at ESPN earlier this year.
Fifty prominent Republican foreign policy and national security experts – many veterans of George W. Bush’s administration – have signed a letter denouncing Donald Trump’s presidential candidacy and pledging not to vote for him. “But Donald Trump is...
“We can expect to see a woman-centric Marvel movie in [original release date] November 2018 – more than three years from now – which is when “Captain Marvel” will be released”, she concluded.
With the primary less than 24 hours away, a just-completed Remington Research Poll showed that among likely GOP voters district wide, Ryan led challenger Paul Nehlen by a whopping 80 percent to 14 percent. The nine-term Ryan is a heavy favorite to win Tuesday’s contest.
The 19-year-old Springfield, Virginia, native is also now the proud owner of an Olympic gold medal, the surprising victor of the women’s 10-meter air rifle competition Saturday morning. Yi Siling bowed out in third place at 185.4.
Promising a tax overhaul, he said that he would streamline the taxation process and cut tax brackets from seven to three, with bands at 12 per cent, 25 per cent and 33 per cent. Trump’s proposal to allow families to avoid paying taxes on child care expenses would likely...
Syria has appealed to the United Nations claiming that 45 civilians were killed and 50 injured in US-led coalition airstrikes outside the city of Manbij near Aleppo on Thursday. But in a statement released Wednesday, the USA -led anti-ISIS coalition claimed 360 ISIS targets in...
Just days after saying he was “not quite ready” to endorse Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, Republican nominee offered his endorsement of Ryan while campaigning in Ryan’s home state of Wisconsin Friday evening.
With a limited budget, the outcome of a biting recession that roiled preparations for South America’s first Olympics, Brazil laced its high-energy opening party for the games of the 31st Olympiad with a sobering message of the dangers of global warming.