Christina Grimmie lost her life in a tragic murder-suicide after a concert in Orlando on Friday (June 10, 2016). “Medford, NJ 08055. Memorial service promptly starting at 8:00PM”, the announcement reads.
The Tampa Bay Rays, the baseball team closest in proximity to the deadly Orlando nightclub shooting, are hoping to fill their ballpark on Pride Night as a way to raise funds for the victims and help their community grieve.
They said that Deone Robertson, who holds the Miss North Lanarkshire title, would be crowned Miss Great Britain after coming first runner-up in the pageant.
Expressing his gratitude at the return of the ancient treasures, the Prime Minister told IANS: “We are very grateful to the government of the USA and the President for returning a part of our culture”.
This Father’s Day, ditch the stale gift ideas and get your dad what he really wants: quality time with you doing something he loves. Sure, you may know a dad who dabbles in contemporary workouts like SoulCycle, but that’s not what we’re here for today.
The Canadian House of Commons overwhelmingly passed Bill C-210 by a vote of 225 to 74 on Wednesday, tweaking the third line of “O Canada” to incorporate gender-neutral phrasing. Now the measure will go to Canada’s Senate.
Tens of thousands of guests entered Shanghai Disneyland on the opening day to explore the theme park’s attractions and live entertainment spectaculars – many being offered for the first time in a Disney theme park.