The X-Files returned for six-episodes in a season labeled as a “revival” but after it was all said and done, we are left with a cliffhanger. But, with the alien craft shining a spotlight, we zoom in to Scully’s eye and the hour cuts to black.
The Nevada state Republican Party’s legacy in running elections may be working against all candidates. However, there is a long way to go to secure the nomination.
Marvel’s R-rated antihero smash “Deadpool” continued to dominate movie theaters over the weekend, earning an estimated $55 million and trouncing a trio of newcomers.
According to the statewide Mitchell Research survey, ironically, Lansing area voters, 43 percent of them, picked Jeb Bush as their Republican presidential candidate.
Cameron emerged from the meeting saying the cabinet had agreed with the government’s position to recommend that Britain remains in a reformed EU. Cameron said he would campaign with all his “heart and soul” for Britain to stay in the European Union after he won...
India has asked Pakistan to inform it at least five days prior to a planned visit by Pakistani investigators to inspect the site of the Pathankot terror attack, Pak interior minister said here on Sunday.
Former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor has weighed in on the debate surrounding Justice Antonin Scalia’s replacement to the high court, saying she believes President Barack Obama should name Scalia’s successor.
Bill Cosby’s long-suffering wife, who has stood by his side amid dozens of sexual assault allegations against him, was finally deposed Monday in a defamation lawsuit filed against him by seven accusers.