Strong ratings for The X-Files revival all but assure Fox’s interest in continuing the series in some form, but as of now, nothing is official. Instead, the books follow young Dana and Fox in 1979.
Despite the tough nature of breakups, a close friend to Lea has revealed to People magazine that although she may now be single, she is by no means alone. They added, “She’s doing fine, focusing on her work, her music and her album”.
TV Line revealed that Vanessa Hudgens has landed the lead role in the pilot episode of NBC’s upcoming DC Comics comedy Powerless. Try selling insurance to superheroes.
The Morgan Freeman voice commands are available for free to all Waze users who can download and apply them in the Settings menu under Sound and Voice Language.
At the time of writing, 974 people say they will be attending a Facebook event titled ‘If Leonardo DiCaprio wins the Oscar, everyone meet at the Spire,’ with a further 1,800 people saying that it’s an event they’ll be interested in. “I feel excited...
But before launching into the debut of the new auto and the first day’s testing of the new season in Barcelona, Hamilton said: “That’s pretty amusing because he had four years of it and l’ve only had two. The good thing is that he does what he believes to...
Just be sure to make plans to get home safely if you overindulge. South: $5 frozen margaritas (classic, strawberry and more) all day Monday at the daiquiri bar. The Complete Book of Spirits says he advertised the drink with the tagline, “Margarita: It’s more than a...
After their CBB liaison – and confirmation that their relationship is now over – we’re still wondering where it all went wrong with Steph Davis and Jeremy McConnell.
She awakes from a political nightmare one night and hyperventilates into a paper bag, lamenting the lack of manners among the 2016 presidential hopefuls. Trump and Ted Cruz exchange insults over Trump’s bankruptcies and Cruz’s Canadian birth. What is it with these...
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) Sounds of explosions caused South Korean residents of a front-line island to prepare to evacuate early Saturday, but it was later determined the noise came from a North Korean artillery drill across the rivals’ disputed maritime border, officials said.
Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Shirley Kornreich said Sony would suffer irreparable harm if Kesha was not compelled to abide by a contract that requires her to make six more albums with the company.