Star Wars: The Force Awakens made its domestic debut with an estimated $238 million, smashing the previous record set by Jurassic World of $208.8 million, which opened in the summer.
Quentin Tarantino has been vocal when it comes to how he feels about the police. Back in October, he was criticized by some police organizations for what they deemed was an uncalled for and cop-hating remarks during a NY rally, and promised to get back at him before the premiere...
Joe Kohlhofer, a DJ on Antennae Carinthia in southern Austria, barricaded himself into his studio last week by blocking the door with a chair, and began his 8am show by playing Wham!’s ‘Last Christmas’. His bewildered producer and co-host had to watch through a...
After the show was over, Steve (who probably felt like hiding under a rock) tweeted out a heartfelt apology, writing, “I’d like to apologize wholeheartedly to Miss Colombia & Miss Philippines for my huge mistake”.
“Star Wars: The Force Awakens” surpassed the previous record by over $19 million (16.6 million euros) industry monitor Rentrak said Sunday. By last Friday, worldwide ticket sales had reached US$129.5 million as the movie set opening-day records in Britain, Germany,...
Other notable Monday figures include 2008’s Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull with $26.8 million and earlier this year Jurassic World scooped up $25.3 million. This excludes any grosses from China, where the film opens 9 January, as well as Greece and...
Not a vast amount is required of Wahlberg, except to provide a ripped, inscrutable punchline to every scene in which Ferrell’s Brad is trying too hard.
It says something about how much the movie industry has changed that Jaws-widely regarded as the film that invented blockbuster season-held its crown for two years, while Jurassic World only had history’s biggest opening weekend for six paltry months.
A seven-second behind-the-scenes video shows Harvey immediately after naming the wrong victor – Miss Colombia instead of Miss Philippines – pointing to a cue card and talking to an unidentified person saying: “The teleprompter said Miss Universe –...