That an admittedly troubled and occasionally conflicted man sought to elevate himself toward lofty heights and to spread notions of peacefulness and compassion through his music, only to become the victim of senseless violence, was an irony that seemed too much to bear for many...
There was also a rumor Universal wanted Tom Cruise to play a present day Navy Seal who happens upon the Mummy while on a mission to find a terrorist group. Really, out of everyone that has been bandied about for the role, she might just be the best option.
Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, welcomed their second child Saint last week, and while there haven’t been any pictures released of the little fella just yet, this fella reckons he knows what he’ll look like at seven.
The Army has deployed more than 60 teams for rescue and relief operations in the flood-hit areas of the state and they have rescued almost 20,000 stranded people so far.
On his Twitter account, the young woman announced the birth of his little boy: “He is there” with a link to its website where she gave more details: “Kanye and I welcomed our boy”, “Mother and son are doing well”.
Kim and Kanye already have a daughter, whom they famously named North West. An announcement on Kardashian’s website reads, “KANYE AND I WELCOME OUR BABY BOY!”. “But when we talk about love, I don’t have an answer”, West says.
YouTube’s list splits out music videos from other clips, but if it didn’t, Wiz Khalifa’s See You Again would be sitting at the top of the list with 1.2 billion views and counting since April.
“He spent about as much time talking about what we should not do as he did about what we will do”, said Stephanopoulous. At the same time, he asserted that it is the responsibility of the leaders of the Muslim community, both inside the USA and globally, to come out...
The movie, which stars Toni Collette and Adam Scott, opened at umber two taking just over $16 million in its opening weekend. At $227.1 million in total gross, it is still likely a box office smash, but still the least-performing entry in the series.
The 2015 Grammy Awards nominations are in – and as expected both Taylor Swift and The Weeknd walked away with 7 nominations a piece. They attempted to rectify that embarrassment last year, awarding him two trophies for his uplifting single “i” in 2014, and...
Mercy is overwhelmed by self-interest in the world and by hypocrisy in the Church, Pope Francis said on this morning during his general audience address.
While the details were slow to come, the reality star has now revealed that the new baby’s name is Saint and he was born weighing 8 pounds, 1 ounce. She was right. According to People, the couple revealed the name on December 7 through Kardashian’s website and app....