“His comments on Russian Federation are worrisome to European leaders”, said James Kirchick, a fellow with the Foreign Policy Initiative who’s author of the forthcoming book “The End of Europe: Dictators, Demagogues and the Coming Dark Age”.
According to a US state of Missouri report (via Facebook) medics arrived at the home of the music legend Chick Berry, in St. Charles County, to find the singer-musician unresponsive. And when it comes to music, as you may know, Berry’s impact is undeniable – he was...
An unidentified man tried to seize a firearm from a French soldier at the airport and shots were fired by the French military in the ensuing altercation. Such a weapon could inflict harm but would not usually be lethal.
NEH is the federal agency that makes local programs like “A Journey through Vietnam” possible, through grant making across the nation and core funding to state humanities councils like ours. This is just the first step toward creating a budget for 2018, and at this...
As directed by Bill Condon (Chicago, Dreamgirls and Disney’s live-action The Little Mermaid, if Lindsay Lohan gets enough RTs, I guess?), much unnecessary fuss has already been made over this supposedly more progressive B&B.
During their joint news conference, Trump – who has criticised North Atlantic Treaty Organisation as “obsolete” – demanded that America’s allies in the military alliance pay back “vast sums of money from past years”.
President Trump’s $1.15 trillion budget proposal would, if approved, would reorders federal priorities by expanding defense funds and eliminating funding for the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Dan Stevens as The Beast, left, and Emma Watson as Belle in a live-action adaptation of the animated classic “Beauty and the Beast”. “I was hopeful they would use all [the new songs].” Condon’s enthusiasm to remake the fairytale surprisingly...
In a joint press conference held after the talks, Tillerson told reporters that the situation over the threats from the North has reached a “dangerous level” and that he and Wang renewed their will to persuade the North to choose a new path from its persistent pursuit...
ABC News reported the computer contains Trump Tower floor plans, details about Hillary Clinton’s email investigation and other national security information.
Back in October, Target announced Victoria Beckham as its newest partner, promising a capsule that would reflect “the charming, yet functional essence” of the designer’s Victoria, Victoria Beckham line.