Chicken attempts new world record
If she succeeds, the publication says Betty could get into the Guinness World Records.
Chicken Treat said in a statement that “she will become the first chicken (and in all likelihood the first animal) to send a real tweet”.
“She’ll be stationed at luxurious chicken tweet headquarters posting whatever’s on her mind like ‘&*34’ and she’ll be doing it until she sings out a five letter word in English”. At least not the kind of tweeting that involves 140 characters and the interweb. An Australian fast-food chain called Chicken Treat is attempting to find out.
Poor old Betty will be unaware that her tweeting efforts actually publicise a restaurant which cooks and fries her fellow hens, offering them up in the form of burgers, wings and nuggets in the Western Australia franchise.
So far, Betty hasn’t proven to be anywhere near The Bard, as these examples of a few of her tweets show.
To follow Betty’s progress, and to eventually see history being made, you can do so over at the Chicken Treat Twitter account. It is literally a chicken version of the “infinite monkey theory” – that is, “that a monkey hitting keys at random on a typewriter keyboard for an infinite amount of time will nearly surely type a given text, such as the complete works of William Shakespeare”.