Christie to Rubio: ‘You blew it’ on debate question
Christie was running for local office in Morris County, New Jersey, at the time.
Speaking of his own crusade against the Democrats’ health care law, Rubio said he has worked to undermine the law through amendments, “not through a 23-hour speech”. Florida Sen. Marco Rubio is seen by some as having a slim edge, opening him up to a torrent of criticism from his rivals about his voting record in the Senate and his immigration policy, as well as the 44-year-old’s youth and relative inexperience.
The attack is set to become a staple of Rubio’s argument against Christie, not necessarily because of its content but because it gives Rubio’s campaign a chance to paint Christie as shifty.
Prior to the State of the Union, the White House effectively smacked down Christie’s critiques, exposing them as politically-motivated, and lacking in specific alternatives.
Even though New Jersey Governor Chris Christie had decided that the Common Core standards were not working for students in the state, a committee appointed to review them decided that 84 percent of the standards are good.
“All I’m saying is that our next president has to be someone that does the damage that Barack Obama does to this country”, Rubio said.
“It is insulting for Gov. Chris Christie to use his “State of the State” as a tool to score votes with ultra conservative voters in New Hampshire, as opposed to the people of New Jersey who he took an oath to serve”.
“The Secretary [of Education] shall not attempt to influence, incentivize, or coerce State adoption of the Common Core State Standards developed under the Common Core State Standards Initiative or any other academic standards common to a significant number of States, or assessments tied to such standard”, ESSA says. “When you’re a governor you’re held accountable for everything you do”, he added. And there were some heated exchanges.
“We need to have a compelling conservative agenda that we present to the American people in a way that doesn’t disparage people, that unites us around our common objective”, Bush said. “Because what she will do is she will come in and she will raise Social Security taxes”.
In a radio debate May 27, 2009, Christie was asked: “Would you have appointed her or even considered her for a top appointment to the bench?”
It took issue with two of Christie’s answers to Rubio. Rubio said, “Hillary Clinton is disqualified from being the president of the United States” and “I am confident that this president, if he could, he would confiscate every gun in America”. This is a guy who says that ISIS is being overestimated by us. “I think he’s a nice guy, and I hope he gets it solved”.
Bush said he was not opposed to stopping refugees from coming to the USA, but Trump’s plan was unrealistic. “But all Muslims? Seriously?” The newspapers at the time got it wrong, he said.
Trump, Cruz, and Rubio were asked, and inserted themselves into, more of the moderators’ questions than anyone else on the SC stage. “He would have not passed the background check”.