Clinton Allies Continue to Stress Issue of Black Colleges
The Nevada state Republican Party’s legacy in running elections may be working against all candidates. However, there is a long way to go to secure the nomination.
Donald Trump is unfazed by Sen.
“Massachusetts has among the most liberal Democratic primary electorates of any state where exit polls were conducted in 2008”, Koczela, president of MassINC Polling Group, told Clinton also polled well on issues like immigration, race relations and women’s issues: 61 percent said they trusted Clinton more to handle women’s issues, 39 percent said they trusted her most on immigration and 44 percent said they thought she was best equipped to improve race relations.
Sanders, an avowed democratic socialist, has energized voters, particularly young people, with his impassioned calls for breaking up Wall Street banks and providing free tuition at public colleges and universities. And while there are still some questions about how Latinos voted, Clinton can claim tremendous support from black voters heading into SC and Super Tuesday.
This week’s poll shows a more heated contest in Oklahoma, with just a two-point margin separating the two candidates, and 9 percent still undecided. Soon after the polls closed, Bush announced his decision to drop out of the race. He likely will need to win the Republican nomination outright, as it seems improbable that a brokered convention would be to his advantage. That’s where you’ll find Ted Cruz – ahead of Tuesday’s caucuses there. The momentum since the beginning of this campaign has been unbelievable”, Trump told supporters following his win. “OK.
One could conceivably come up with a picture in mid-March after the Florida and OH primaries – both winner-take-all affairs – where Rubio, Kasich and Cruz all are within striking distance of each other in the delegate count.
Bernie Sanders knows SC is a Hillary Clinton stronghold but that didn’t stop him from rallying thousands on Sunday just hours after a narrow loss in Nevada. However, Clinton holds a commanding lead in super delegates, party officials or former Democratic leaders whose votes aren’t tied to state election results.
What this means going forward for Sanders is that he actually can win non-white voters, and that could be good news in a state that doesn’t skew as old as Nevada.
In Nevada, Clinton won the backing of voters who said electability and experience were important in their vote.