Clinton campaign confirms her appearance with Sanders
Over the weekend, the Democrats passed their most liberal party platform in history.
The Communications Workers of America, the largest US communications and media labor union, on Monday endorsed presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, praising “her commitment to making life better for working families”. Speaking of unifying Democrats, Hillary Clinton campaign announced on Saturday, in a nod to Bernie Sanders, an expanded investment of $40 billion over ten years in community health centers – expanding access to health care for more Americans and reduce the cost of health care.
“She’s walked with us on the Verizon picket line”, CWA said in a statement. Sanders’ negotiators won key policy concessions from the Clinton campaign at the Democratic Platform Committee meeting.
Clinton’s campaign, too, praised the draft platform.
The announcement came soon after the Democratic Platform Committee finalised the party’s political agenda for the 2016 elections, which Mr. Sanders described as the “most progressive platform in the history of the Democratic Party”.
Heading into this month’s national convention, the Sanders campaign will try to promote unity. The agreement would create the world’s largest free trade zone, and President Obama wants to ensure Congress ratifies it before he leaves office in January.
“Now let’s put in place a president that can actually deliver on this and let’s make sure that she does”, he said.
Sanders could take these issue fights to the Democratic convention and his campaign is making sure it is ready to do so. They failed, however, to reach common ground on the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade accord, media reports said. Elizabeth Warren of MA, have campaigned with Clinton.
The Republican presidential candidate has hired Bryan Lanza to handle communications for surrogates, people who speak in support of Trump at big events.
Clinton clinched enough delegates to secure the nomination in early June, after a yearlong battle with Sanders, a senator from Vermont. Both proposals were seen as attempts win over Sanders and his supporters.
Sanders supporters were disappointed about the platform not formally denouncing Israeli settlements in the West Bank or banning fracking, according to CNN. Bernie Sanders is now officially on for Tuesday.
With Sanders clearly not ending his campaign and with Democratic Party rigged primary process he can always try Sanders/Stein ticket.
However, Sanders’ fans in the public gallery loudly rebelled, booing the language and insisting that Sanders keep up his campaign and contest the convention. “There is quite literally nothing she won’t do or say to fit in today’s modern Democratic socialist party”, he said in a statement.