Clinton campaign says Trump could have “low bar” at debate
That’s the finding from a Pew Research Center study of a month’s worth of survey data.
The Clinton campaign is identifying occasional voters, mapping out if they live close enough to the county auditor’s office or a “satellite voting” location to cast their ballot in person, but before November 8.
Almost 80 percent of Latinos have a negative view of Donald Trump, and fewer than one in five say that they plan to support him in November’s election, a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Telemundo poll shows.
A Quinnipiac University survey released Thursday shows Trump trailing by just 2 points in Colorado, a state where Clinton had opened up a wide lead and where Democrats had halted advertising.
As King regained his footing, he said, “We need Donald Trump, especially Black people”, before introducing Trump as the “next president of the United States” and repeating The Donald’s name several times like he was promoting a big fight. “I think she deserves that and I’m going to be nice”. But just as many say they don’t trust either candidate as say they trust Clinton more. The Tampa Bay Times has produced illuminating profiles on its region’s surprising support for Trump, saying many working-class people feel left behind in an economy where their housing values have still not recovered after the 2008 economic crash (unlike the stock market), and they feel government seems to be helping the rich and the poor, but not them. His way or the highway.
“Unfortunately, I hate to say it, but as a woman I’ve seen it”. Trump’s team uses text messages to keep them engaged, Wiles said. How can it be that supporters could think someone was like a “temperamental child”, who would “embarrass” the country, and who they flat “don’t like”, but still vote for them?
“And a lot of people were asking me questions”.
Clinton supporters were far less anxious by their candidate’s character traits. She also said her campaign employs several individuals with disabilities.
“You can tell them to go f– themselves”, he’s shown saying in ads aired repeatedly by the campaign.
A majority of Americans polled want a change in Washington, and that frustration with government gridlock and political bickering fueled the rise of Trump.
Ultimately, though, experts say, while the potential of the debates this year to sway voters is slightly greater than usual considering the high number of Americans who are undecided, such events typically don’t determine the outcome of an election. Yet: “She may have faults, but against Trump she is a peach”.
Find the best candidate for the job, elect them to office: that is how democracy should work. And of their supporters?
Current New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, a Democrat who supports Clinton, slammed Trump’s call for more stop-and-frisk as “appalling”.
Typically, presidential campaigns have someone play the part of the candidate’s opponent to prepare for the debates.
Her ability to weather controversy and hold on to a polling lead has been bolstered by some of Mr. Trump’s weaknesses, the poll found. Mr. Trump is still viewed more negatively than she is, and has struggled to reach beyond his core support among white voters without college degrees.
A Quinnipiac University poll of four swing states including Virginia also released Thursday found Clinton with a 6-point lead among likely Virginia voters in a four-way race, compared with an 11-point lead in a poll released August 17.