Clinton, Kaine do not look presidential
Democratic Party chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz resigned over the weekend after Sanders’ campaign pounced on a number of leaked emails that they said showed that party officials had favored Clinton during the primaries. The CNN poll was also taken July 22-24.
It also sapped some of her energy coming out of Trump’s chaotic convention last week and the well-received rollout Saturday of her running mate, Virginia Sen. She said that his vote for “fast-track suggests to me that he’s willing to advance a process that is undemocratic in order to achieve an objective with this”.
Solomon said he believes a “vast majority” of Sanders delegates support these kinds of protests to express their dismay.
Mrs. Obama, who has spent almost eight years in the White House avoiding political fights, took numerous swipes at Trump, all while avoiding mentioning him by name. She asserts that Kaine is a “progressive and likes to get things done”, and introduced him for the first time at the Clinton 2016 Rally in Miami. Tim Kaine, accepting Hillary Clinton’s invitation to join her as running mate, cited as an inspiration a Holocaust survivor who died protecting others during a shooting massacre.
Sanders admitted “there are a lot of reasons why one loses”, but he did not blame the Democratic National Committee, even after emails leaked by WikiLeaks on Friday indicate the party was more supportive of Clinton’s campaign than his.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz speaks for the last time as DNC party chair at Florida International University on Saturday, July 23.
Among the groups planning to demonstrate are gun control advocates, the group Occupy DNC Convention and Trump supporters from Pennsylvania.
Sanders will play a crucial role in determining whether Clinton can calm the tensions. Clinton’s campaign quickly added more Sanders’ supporters to the speakers lineup.
So it ended with a text message.
The self-inflicted wounds could hamper the Clinton campaign’s effort to portray the party’s convention in a different light from the just-concluded Republican gathering in Cleveland. Bill Clinton has been a mainstay in the national spotlight for much, much longer, but now the two men’s political stars are beginning to align. Cory Booker, a young black lawmaker and rising Democratic star, and Massachusetts Sen. Hillary Clinton was totally in favor of TPP, which is a job killer, right? Donald Trump trash-talks folks with disabilities? She warned that the White House couldn’t be in the hands of someone with “a thin skin or a tendency to lash out” or someone who tells voters the country can be great again.
Trump told the New York Times last week that he would decide whether to protect America’s North Atlantic Treaty Organisation allies against Russian aggression based on whether those countries “have fulfilled their obligations to us”, hinting that he might pivot away from the decades-old agreement. A day later, President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden come to Philadelphia.
Warren was on the shortlist to become Clinton’s vice presidential pick, as were New Jersey Sen.
“This is one of the most consequential elections in our lifetime; when someone says I alone can fix it, that should set off alarm bells in not just Democrats’ minds, but Republicans, independents, [and] people of all ages and backgrounds”, said Clinton. Hillary Rotten Clinton, Rotten Clinton. The tone was a sharp contrast to the Republican convention, where the attacks against Clinton was bitingly personal, including chants of “Lock her up”.
Kaine now opposes the deal, a position in step with Clinton, but liberals raised concerns about him after he praised parts of the agreement.