Clinton raises $63 million for campaign
The Republican presidential nominee alleged these newspapers write stories favouring his rival Hillary Clinton.
Several Republicans have said they would not back Trump, including representative Carlos Curbelo of Florida and Reid Ribble of Wisconsin, but Hanna is the first to openly endorse Clinton, despite acknowledging that he does disagree with Clinton on many issues. Fifty percent of registered voters have a negative opinion of Clinton compared to 36 percent who view her positively, the poll said.
The quip immediately made headlines across the country.
The Clintons’ daughter Chelsea also remains a close friend of Mr Trump’s daughter Ivanka.
“In his latest foray of insults, Mr. Trump has attacked the parents of a slain US soldier”.
“None of it bothers me”, 65-year-old Vickie Myers, an area resident, told the Post. “I have to be honest”, Trump told voters in OH, a crucial swing state. That started with social media. His people are angry at him and they should be.
The soldier’s father, Khizr Khan, addressed the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, and Trump sparked controversy by suggesting in an interview that Khan’s wife Ghazala, who was present on stage with her husband, had been prevented from speaking at the event. Before the convention, Clinton garnered only 78 percent of Sanders supporters last weekend, with 12 percent going to Trump, 6 percent voting for neither and 4 percent voting for a third party candidate. After the Republican convention but prior to the Democratic one, Trump got a two-point bump and the race was tied, CBS said.
Veterans’ associations have also rejected Trump’s comments. Now, the Republican nominee kicks off the first full week of the general election campaign having put his strategy of saying the.
In another defection Monday, top Jeb Bush adviser Sally Bradshaw said she was leaving the GOP to become an independent.
Dale Brown, a maintenance supervisor from Grove City, Ohio, whose son is in the Navy, said Democrats were blowing Trump’s comments out of proportion and had “politicized this by asking that family to speak”.