Clinton receives long-awaited endorsement from Sanders
Hillary Clinton’s bitter rival in the Democratic Party presidential nomination race Bernie Sanders on Tuesday endorsed Clinton for the 2016 USA election. “Secretary Clinton has won the Democratic nomination and I congratulate her for that”.
Bernie Sanders endorsed Hillary Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination.
“Too many Americans are still being left out, left behind and ignored”.
Sanders, who made income inequality a key focus of his campaign, claimed presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump believes states should have the right to abolish the concept of the minimum wage altogether.
Mr Sanders defeated Mrs Clinton in New Hampshire’s primary contest in February. In his speech he went on to sharply criticize Donald Trump, and praised Clinton for understanding the nation’s economic challenges, supporting a public option for health insurance, and listening to scientists on climate change.
“I think he said those to remind people that she has committed to do these things and it’s now on record because she was standing there and didn’t refute any of that”, Lynch said.
Clinton said the election will be far more enjoyable now that she and Sanders are on the same side.
Donald Trump’s campaign says Bernie Sanders “is now officially part of a rigged system”.
At the end of the video, Sanders is seen at one of his rallies saying, “I don’t believe that she is qualified”.
“The strength of the endorsement was important”, Grijalva said on Tuesday of Sanders’ decision to formally back Clinton.
Clinton said she supported bias training and nationwide use-of-force guidelines for police officers to curb the “tragedy of black men and women and black children being killed in police incidents”.
The Vermont Senator said he would do everything he can to make sure that Clinton would be the next president of the United States. The skepticism – and even animosity – that some here expressed is a clear sign of the work Clinton will have to do to win over populist liberals in the months to come.
“Thank you for your lifetime of fighting injustice”, the ex-secretary of state told Sanders, while assuring his followers that “I am proud to be fighting alongside you, because, my friends, this is a time for all of us to stand together”.