Clinton: Rubio more offensive than Trump
Lewis referred to as Rubio the “greatest positioned” Republican to defeat Clinton, however famous Democrats will certainly use Rubio’s sound bites in TV advertisements.
Criticizing her on materials starting from State Department send through e-mail insurance policy to actually house plan, Walker said Clinton would be the nation’s “DeceiverovervallenInis thatChief”.
“Really I admire you, greatly, for that”, Clinton said during a town hall at the River Valley Community College in Claremont, New Hampshire.
“I think future generations will look back at this history of our country and call us barbarians for murdering millions of babies who we never gave them a chance to live”, Rubio said.
When NBC Information’ Andrea Mitchell famous Monday that Clinton’s marketing campaign sees Rubio as “an actual political menace”, Group Rubio posted the clip on YouTube – however overlooked the earlier Mitchell line about Clinton saying Rubio’s “opposition to abortion even in instances of rape or incest is worse than the best way Donald Trump talks about ladies”. “And it is deeply troubling, and it should be to the press, not just those of us who have been doing this work for so long”.
“Hillary Clinton supports abortion even at the stage when an unborn child can feel pain”, Rubio said in a statement after Clinton attacked the Florida senator earlier yesterday.
Democrats once viewed Trump’s rhetoric as a net positive for their party, but now fear his bluster makes the rest of the GOP field appear moderate by comparison. Today a very confident Hillary said, “Oh, please”.
“Nick is the man, I’m sorry”, she said.
It includes states and the federal government increasing investment, efforts to boost graduation rates, steps for schools to control costs and be more accountable to students, and allowing students to refinance existing debt.
Clinton gave a plug for the value of higher education, as she spoke of the challenge of states slashing education budgets. In recent weeks, she and Jeb Bush have sparred over issues of women’s health and college affordability — both in public venues, and online.
He said Republicans actually need to terminate “tip-toeing around” Trump and location his brutal language, any time you are looking for immigrants and girls.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if [Trump] maintained a quite a solid base for some time”, Buffett said-adding that he won’t run out of money. That’s probably part of the reason why I won three times for governor in the blue state in the past four years, is because those talking points just aren’t right.