Clinton’s lead in popular vote reaches 1.5 million
Or look at it this way, most of the “democratic” countries that have a dictator use popular vote as the mechanism for election.
As of Saturday, Clinton had received 63,390,669 votes, while Trump received 61,820,845 votes – a difference of 1,569,824, according to the Associated Press.
And because politics is all about compromise, instead of calling for the abolition of the Electoral College, why not have electoral votes be proportional to the popular vote of a given state, as opposed to a victor take all system? According to new figures released by The Associated Press on Saturday, Clinton received more than 1.5 million votes more than her Republican rival.
In December, five specially selected New Mexico Democrats will travel to Santa Fe, meet in a little room with the secretary of state and cast their votes for president of the United States. Actually, it was rigged more than 200 years ago when the Founders created the Electoral College, for reasons that no longer exist. For example, President Barack Obama received nearly 5 million more votes than his 2014 opponent Mitt Romney – about 4 percent of the total. But many laughed about the idea of a Trump presidency.
But there have been exceptions dating back to 1825.
“Fundamental rights trump a procedure – no pun intended”, Birke said, further arguing that Trump’s election should not be allowed if Clinton is ahead in the popular vote.
Carole Jean Jordan, a GOP elector from Florida in 2000, recalled the “unbelievably ugly” aftermath of the recount battle between George W. Bush and then-vice president Al Gore, a dispute that ended with the U.S. Supreme Court leaving Bush’s slim margin intact and handing him the presidency.
And it is this mix and rationalization of popular votes and Electoral College votes that strives to strike a just balance in the American presidential election process, between the power of the individual vote and the need to give a voice to smaller, less populated states. The answer to his question should be, “Neither: We want a president who wins by motivating the most citizens to vote for her”. In each instance, the outcome was in favor of the Republican Party.
Going to a popular vote would not be problem-free, but it would be more democratic. It’s not a candidate who lost, it’s the country.
Trump dominated the November 8 election with almost a 60-electoral vote margin, according to estimates, while not all states have given official results.
He narrowly carried Florida, as well as the Midwestern states of Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania and MI.
Kierst also noted that change can and has begun at the state level, as two states, Nebraska and ME, use the Congressional District Method in divvying up their states’ electoral votes.
The Electoral College, whose 538 votes equal the number of representatives and senators in Congress, consists of state-level electors who formally choose the president and vice president based on popular-vote results.
“If you do open up a popular vote it’s more fair game”, he said.