Clinton, Sanders opening offices ahead of March 1 primary
He played into that characterization when he repeated the same practiced line multiple times under pressure from New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie. Rubio delivered a mea culpa on Tuesday night on Twitter, where he said his disappointment was not with New Hampshire voters but with his debate misfire.
Clinton spent a fair amount of time embracing Barack Obama’s policies in an effort to outshine Sanders in SC, where the president is immensely popular. Co-opting him on immigration does not seem promising, given that he cleaned up among voters who don’t prioritize it. Saying he isn’t a real conservative may be important for conservatives but won’t drive down his strong support among moderates.
“I am my own man, and my views are shaped by my own thinking”, Jeb Bush has previously said.
Even so, the restrained exchange on Thursday was unlikely to change the trajectory of a race that has intensified dramatically over two weeks.
Privately, Democrats fear that Sanders as the nominee would lead to major losses in House and Senate races. Clinton responded that Sanders has failed to answer questions about whom he would have advise him on foreign policy. You’ve got a bit of experience, I would imagine. “We don’t need any more of that”, Clinton said.
Henry Kissinger’s still chugging along, meeting in February with Russia’s Vladimir Putin.
“Let’s not insult the intelligence of the American people”, he said. “Why in God’s name does Wall Street make huge campaign contributions?”
“Boil it down, be clear, be succinct, and make absolutely sure everybody knows you have a plan”, Reuters quoted Shekar Narasimhan, a Clinton donor and managing partner at Beekman Advisors.
In her closing argument, Clinton went all rhetorical jujitsu on him by saying such single-mindedness doesn’t necessarily the multi-problem world of the Oval Office.
With an eye to on the minority vote, both candidates decried the high incarceration rate of African-Americans and called for broad reforms of the criminal justice system.
Sanders’ team described the 5.2 million haul as “shattering the campaign’s previous record for money raised in less than a day”.
Ms. Clinton honed in on her rival Sen. It did not endorse either Clinton or Sanders. Both states have almost all-white populations. Ted Cruz, who each came to the state with a burst of momentum after the first two nomination contests.
The state has often been a bellwether for American politics. “They want a political revolution”. But he also won among those who say their family’s financial condition is improving. After all, she was his first secretary of state. Now, his brother will be hitting the campaign trail in SC to help bolster support.