Congress Didn’t Invite Planned Parenthood To ‘Defund Planned Parenthood’ Hearing
Planned Parenthood was not invited to testify at the hearing.
According to a new study published Tuesday, defunding Planned Parenthood could cut off access to the only contraceptive healthcare provider available to millions of women around the country, particularly minority and low-income women.
Sarah Palin, former Alaska governor, speaking at the #WomenBetrayed rally in Washington, DC on Thursday, September 10, 2015.
However the bill is structured, Paul said that if Democrats don’t agree to make a Planned Parenthood
“Given the appalling revelations surrounding Planned Parenthood, we cannot in good moral conscience vote to send taxpayer money to this organization while still fulfilling our duty to represent our constituents”, said the statement issued by the House Freedom Caucus, which Jordan heads. Paul told attendees. “You need 60 votes to affirmatively fund Planned Parenthood“. Exasperated, Democrat Steve Cohen of Tennessee said his Republican colleagues weren’t really there to talk about the videos at all.
Congress is facing another funding deadline by the end of the month, and for the second time in three years a government shutdown might be on the horizon. Law prohibits fetal tissue from being sold for profit, but some are accusing Planned Parenthood of violating this law by providing fetal tissue to medical researchers.
Goodlatte, R-Va., said Planned Parenthood “is granted huge amounts of federal funds” and Congress must “do what we can to ensure federal taxpayers are not contributing to the sorts of horrors reflected in the undercover videos”.
“Americans, they’re on board and they’re passionate about it”, Hawkins said.
TRENT FRANKS: Corporate officers and employees of Planned Parenthood casually discussing their rampant practice of harvesting and selling the little body parts from many of the hundreds of thousands of innocent babies they are guilty of killing in their abortion clinics across this nation.
After a five-week recess, House Speaker John Boehner launched his effort to avert a government shutdown on Wednesday, but made it clear that the GOP leadership has yet to come up with a plan.
The House Judiciary Committee began the first in a series of Congressional hearings about Planned Parenthood on Wednesday. Only banning research using fetal tissue from abortions or abortion itself “will prevent the inevitable abuse”, he said.
Planned Parenthood Federation of America President Cecile Richards denies any wrongdoing by her organization.