Cruz challenge Trump to debate ‘mano a mano’
Iowa’s caucuses are the first nominating contest to choose the Republican presidential nominee for the November 8 election.
Cruz himself brushed off the idea Tuesday afternoon while speaking with reporters in Albia, offering a less-candid assessment than the one he provided to pastors behind closed doors.
Trump said he would hold an event in Iowa to raise money for the wounded veterans.
MARSHALLTOWN, Iowa (AP) – Once again, Donald Trump steals the show.
The New York real estate mogul’s presence has helped produce massive ratings in the previous six Republican presidential debates. Accompanying Cruz on Tuesday across the Hawkeye State, King and other surrogates pled with Iowans to view set aside their preferences for any candidates not named Cruz or Trump and make their pick.
But a boycott could prove risky for Trump as Iowa Republicans seek to take one more look at who they want as their presidential candidate. They’re going to make a fortune with the debate.
Kasich is not a plagiarist (in politics, everyone steals from everyone), but his campaign seems to have appropriated former Florida Governor Jeb Bush’s message from last summer, when Bush said that the race was bound to be long and angry but “Here’s the deal: I don’t have anger in my heart”.
The move puts the other seven Republican participants in an awkward position.
As we pointed out Tuesday night on the 11 o’clock news, nearly immediately after cancelling out of the debate in a huff, Trump was softening his anti-Fox rhetoric.
Asked whether he could match the historic turnout Obama secured in 2008, Sanders told a steel workers union in Des Moines that he hoped he could, but “frankly I don’t think we can”. It would also remove the issue of the Texas senator’s eligibility to serve as president, with Trump being the main instigator on that issue. He’s questioned whether Arizona Sen. Maybe boredom, maybe an attempt to distract from his lack of policy sophistication or maybe pique – Trump appears genuinely hurt and offended by Kelly’s question about his attitude toward women at the August 6 debate.
Each led his rivals, political professionals and pundits to predict his undoing.
Cruz spokesperson Rick Tyler blasted Trump’s decision as “erratic” and foolish behaviour from a presidential hopeful, especially considering a large segment of voters say they have not finalised their support for a candidate.
Clinton, who was crisscrossing northern Iowa for get-out-the-vote events, was savoring recent praise from Obama, who called her “wicked smart” and qualified to run the country from Day one.
Fox News’s PR operation responded by releasing a playful statement that read: “We learned from a secret back channel that the Ayatollah and Putin both intend to treat Donald Trump unfairly when they meet with him if he becomes president – a nefarious source tells us that Trump has his own secret plan to replace the Cabinet with his Twitter followers to see if he should even go to those meetings”.
“They (Fox News) can’t toy with me like they toy with everybody else”.
“It’s important that you get along”, Trump said.
“With me, they’re dealing with somebody that’s a little bit different”, he said.
“Everything I believe in he’s doing and he’s going to do it as president”, said Arpaio.
Republican officials tried to hide their disappointment, if not their concern for the tremendous power Trump wields in the 2016 primary contest. So far, only Martin O’Malley has said he’ll participate. “Time will tell whether this works to his benefit or hurts his campaign”.
At 6 p.m., Fox announced the lineup for Thursday’s debate, with Trump at center stage.
“We can’t give in to terrorizations toward any of our employees”, Fox said in a statement. “I think she’s frankly not good at what she does”.