Dallas Areas To Be Sprayed For WNV Mosquitoes This Weekend
As of today, there have been six horses confirmed with West Nile virus in Washington.
Clark County Health Department officials said in a news release Friday this is the first positive mosquito sample of the year in Clark County, but the county has had positive mosquito pools over past years.
While most testing of mosquitoes for the virus happens in the south-central part of the state, the species that transmit the virus are found throughout the state.
Schuylkill County too has now been not left out from the West Nile virus.
You should also wear long sleeves, trousers and socks when outdoors to avoid exposing your skin to mosquitos. Crews will spray again in Monday night.
The Clark County Health Department say they will continue spraying pesticides until the first freezing temperatures reach the area. The most common symptoms are headache, fever, muscle aches, and extreme fatigue.
About 80 percent of people will show no symptoms, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Humans are mainly infected through mosquito bites, but infection can occur through organ transplantation and blood. Eliminate any standing water from your property, and dispose of containers that can collect water. Use an approved insect repellent containing DEET, picaridin, or oil of lemon eucalyptus (not for children under three years of age).