Daylight savings time returns this weekend
If you still have trouble falling asleep, try taking a melatonin pill two hours before you want to go to sleep, said Rudraraju, who noted the pills are available without a prescription.
While shifting the clock forward doesn’t seem like a big deal for adults, for kids it’s a whole other story.
MARCH’S FULL MOON – called the Worm Moon by Algonquin peoples from the Northeast and west across the Great Lakes – will arrive at 10:54 a.m. Sunday.
But not here in Arizona. However, the adjustment of our body clocks might take a bit longer, so prepare yourself for a “tired Monday!”
Pediatric sleep expert Dr. Jodi Mindell says parents can avoid a bedtime meltdown on March 12 and a morning meltdown on March 13 by shifting bedtimes earlier by a few minutes every day leading up to the time change.
“Daylight Saving Time can be hard for everyone”, Mindell says. The loss on 40 minutes to a full hour of sleep will leave most people, including school children feeling more groggy and exhausted.
The Navajo Indian Reservation, which extends into Utah and New Mexico, and the Hopi Reservation in Arizona, do not observe DST.
Now there have been many other countries and philosophers that have suggested a change in timing that best make sense for daylight, but Daylight Saving Time (otherwise known as DST) wasn’t put into affect until a little over 100 years ago. In Portland, sunrise will shift from 6:30 a.m. Saturday to 7:28 a.m. Sunday, while sunset will change from 6:11 7:13 p.m.
Daylight Saving Time was tested in Canada numerous times before 1918. According to the Boston Globe, research shows that judges, who are sleep deprived following the March Daylight Saving Time change, tend to hand out harsher sentences. “Dramatic wake up helps teach your child the appropriate hour for being awake, rather than the time when you soothed them back to sleep”.
The current schedule was introduced in 2007 and follows the Energy Policy Act of 2005. Despite the commercial possibilities, the city holds no daylight-saving parades nor sells “Birthplace of DST” shot glasses. Though spread over five time zones, China recognizes only one, Beijing time. The sun will begin setting later in the day. But don’t most New Yorkers think everybody else is at least four hours behind?
China did away with daylight savings in 1992 after only six years.