Democrats go into full mission mode at convention
But will voters notice or care?
But it might be a mistake if this demographic is overlooked in the remaining two days of the DNC for a very simple reason: If Clinton can make significant gains with this group, it will make it nearly mathematically impossible for Trump to win. He also highlighted the difference between the “real” Hillary Clinton versus the “fake” one described at the Republican National Convention last week.
“What an incredible honor that you have given me”, Clinton said, recognizing the historical significance of the evening.
“Why can’t we have somebody in the White House that doesn’t need to be shined up?” asked 31-year-old Liz Maratea of New Jersey, standing Tuesday outside the Wells Fargo Center, where she’d come to support Bernie Sanders. “Nothing needs to be repackaged about Bernie”.
And Bill Clinton did it. The campaign has worked on that message in recent months, and this week’s convention is aimed squarely at presenting that Clinton to the bigger general election audience.
Hillary Clinton formally captured the Democratic nomination and declared the glass ceiling keeping women from the presidency cracked and almost shattered.
There are those who say they want a woman president, just not this woman. Barbara Mikulski of Maryland.
Clinton called his wife the “best darn change-maker I’ve met in my entire life”, adding that she “had done more positive change before she was 30 than many politicians do in a lifetime in office”.
Barack Obama will add an optimistic pitch on Wednesday to the campaign to elect Hillary Clinton as the first woman us president, as he seeks to hand off the White House to a trusted fellow Democrat and stop Republican Donald Trump.
He dismissed the portrait drawn by political foes as made up. “Earlier today you nominated the real one”.
Philadelphia’s police union complained that Clinton was showcasing killings by police without giving equal time to the families of fallen officers.
“We’ve been walking and talking and having a laugh together ever since”, he said after telling an anecdote about the first time he tried talking her up – by pretending he needed to register for classes to follow her on campus at the Yale Law School and being called out by the registrar. “When she becomes a candidate, her opponents attack her, not on the issues, because that would be hard to do when she is doing what most American people would like, but they attack her personally”. “And we’ve joined forces to get that job done”. But, tonight, someone accomplished something that not that long ago they said could not be done.
Some skeptical voters in Philadelphia are willing to give Clinton a re-hearing, especially after listening to fellow Democrats vouch for her from the convention stage. He pointed to Sanders’ convention speech, where the senator detailed positions that he and Clinton now share.
Around 7 p.m., after Sanders rose from amid the Vermont delegation and said, “I move that Hillary Clinton be selected as the nominee of the Democratic Party for president of the United States”, the roll call was finished.