Democrats Will Attack Cruz on Citizenship
In Iowa, Trump now is slightly ahead of Cruz, who was leading in the Hawkeye State and has been a strong second to Trump in national polls.
Trump is zeroing in on Cruz’s Canadian birth as he tries to remove the senator as a threat to his candidacy.
For his part, Cruz has repeatedly and emphatically insisted that he, like George Romney and Barry Goldwater and John McCain before him, is a “natural born citizen” by virtue of his mother’s American citizenship.
In a new poll released Monday, Quinnipiac University identified the same two Republican front-runners among Iowa likely Republican Caucus participants.
“At the time, people thought it was a good thing, and it turned out to be a disaster”, Trump said. The billionaire businessman highlighted the citizenship issue last week, warning that Democrats could challenge Cruz’s eligibility in court.
Ted Cruz is condemning the deadly shooting at a Planned Parenthood clinic, but is refusing to blame the attack on the anti-abortion rhetoric that has consumed stretches of the Republican primary campaign.
“Cruz really alienated himself within the United States Senate and within the Republican conference”, he said. Jensen argued that in such a close race, “that could end up being a difference maker”.
Donald Trump often points to his five years at the academy in Cornwall-on-Hudson as a formative period in his life that helps qualify him to be commander in chief. Since then, Trump has mentioned it frequently in stump speeches and media appearances.
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally in December at the Veterans Memorial Building in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
“I just don’t think the Senate ought to get into the middle of this”, McConnell said Sunday on ABC. “Look, it doesn’t matter what he does, you can’t have a nominee who’s going to be subject of being thrown out as the nominee”. “If Cruz is the nominee, there isn’s a single young person, woman or Hispanic anywhere who will want to put on our jersey”, he said. “You just can’t do it”. Cruz dismissed those doubts about his eligibility in the NH1 interview. Brown says this latest poll shows Cruz, perhaps, has more room for growth.
Although Trump has rejected the endorsement of other white nationalist organizations (saying that he doesn’t need “any” endorsement), the white nationalists themselves allege that the candidate may not be aware of how heavily his success rests upon the backs of racists.