Demonstrators Rally in Austin in Support of President Trump
At least one arrest was made.
As Reuters reported, anti-Trump protesters showed up to counter p in Berkeley, Calif., the crowd numbering between 200 and 300 in total. He is expected to face a disorderly conduct charge. State Patrol officers arrested one protester in the Capitol. Ficke goes by the stage name “Casey the Entertainer” and says his skills also include unicycling, juggling and ventriloquism.
Police say 10 people were arrested – most for battery and assault – including one person who was said to have a knife.
There had been concerns the protest would turn violent, which was the case after a planned visit to UC Berkeley by then Breitbart News editor Milo Yiannopolous. Hundreds protested his presence on campus, allegedly setting off fireworks, throwing rocks and bricks and breaking windows, according to the Daily Californian.
“I believe that the media doesn’t show how much support Donald Trump has”, Chick said.
“This is Berkeley’s second chance [to show] that they support freedom of speech and freedom of assembly”, he said.
A few minutes into the rally, scores of counterprotesters arrived, carrying their own signs, including one that read “Love Trumps Hate”, and chanting against Trump.
“I’ve lived under Castro”.
“They don’t know why they’re here”, said Tony Ledbetter, Republican chairman of Volusia County.
Despite the disturbance, the event proceeded mostly unruffled.
“An insidious propaganda apparatus intends on further shredding the truth”, the organizers said.
“I think on the heels of it”.
The Michigan Progressive Summit was also held in Lansing today.
Many in the crowd dressed in red.
An elderly man was pepper-sprayed by an antifa girl.
They said they wanted to come together for a “March 4 Trump” demonstration that was about the country uniting and moving forward. Some held American flags and others wore “Make America Great Again” hats and Trump T-shirts.
Police are asking anyone who feels they were the victim of a crime during the protest to get in touch with them. “We want people to know that they can not censor others”, she told us in an email.
“We’re here to get here you to understand this isn’t right, this isn’t normal”. Way, but later moved onto the sidewalk.
The march began at Wooldridge Park at 900 Guadalupe Street at 1 p.m. Saturday.
Berkeley Police said it confiscated metal pipes, bats, “2x4s”, and pieces of wood.
Police said some anti-Trump supporters were even “punching each other on the sidewalks”.