Disney Animation’s ‘Wreck-It Ralph 2’ set for March 2018
While “wreck it, ralph” describes most of my sexual escapades, I think Disney’s Wreck-It Ralph, which introduces its titular lead in a world alongside Bowser, Zangief, and Pac-Man, had a lot of appeal.
The director Rich Moore and writer Phil Johnson was joined by star John C. Reilly announce the sequel officially.
“Wreck-It Ralph 2” will be released in theaters on March 9, 2018, a little over five years after the release of the first film, which grossed $471.2 million worldwide, according to Box Office Mojo.
Reilly will return to voice the title character, a video game villain who wanted to break out of his mold and become a hero. Producer of the original Clark Spencer will produce and John C. Reilly will return as Ralph.
Disney’s upcoming animated film, Gigantic, will move from March 9 to November 21 so that Wreck-It Ralph 2 can be released instead. “This time, Ralph’s wrecking wreaks havoc on the Web-as only he can do”.
Originally, Disney Animation had big slated for the March 9 release date, but it has been moved back to November 21.
The film was critically well-received by many and it was also commercially successful. A sequel to Frozen is also in development. While it’s now still untitled, he revealed that the sequel might get the title Super Wreck-it Ralph. They made the announcement via Facebook live! Disney just announced that a sequel movie is in the works and will be hitting theaters in 2018. Are you excited for the Wreck-it Ralph sequel?