Do You Speak Repeal and Replace? Click Thought Bubbles For Translations
In 2009, 15.1 percent of Americans were uninsured. By 2015, that number had fallen to 9.4 percent. This would likely leave the thousands who do not qualify for VA care without coverage at all, as insurance becomes unaffordable without the ACA’s subsidies. It’s also to his credit that he understands his base, which includes many low-income and elderly Americans.
The GOP plan also would end special enhanced Medicaid funding received by MI and 30 other states that adopted the expansion-a change that would cost MI $134.6 million in Fiscal Year 2019-20, according to the Senate Fiscal Agency report.
At the most basic level, the debate boils down to how much should the government be involved in how Americans get their health care.
The proposal is opposed by health industry groups including the American Medical Association, AARP, some insurance industry groups and others, who argue that millions of Americans would lose health coverage and cost the country money in the long run.
The president said the Republican bill to repeal and replace key parts of the Affordable Care Act “is a great plan”.
Those changes would doom the bill among House maniacs, who are busy working with Trump to make the bill meaner and even worse for Trump voters.
Critics say it would make health insurance more expensive for individuals, especially older adults and those with modest incomes.
For those who can not access Medicaid after the expansion is rolled back, the Republicans idea of tax credits won’t help.
At his nomination hearing, Health Secretary Tom Price said it is “imperative” that those who have health coverage are able to keep it. Fast-forward to the presidential transition, and he made a similar promise in an interview with the Washington Post, pledging a health care plan that would feature “insurance for everybody” with “much lower deductibles” and help for those who can’t afford care on the private market: “There was a philosophy in some circles that if you can’t pay for it, you don’t get it. This bill doesn’t bring down the cost of premiums”.
The agency was also way off in the early 2000s when it predicted large long-term budget surpluses that eased the way for large tax cuts in the George W. Bush era.
The AHCA would also repeal the ACA’s cost-sharing subsidies in 2020, putting care even further out of reach for many. If Obamacare went unchanged, a decade from now a 64-year-old earning $26,500 would pay $1,700 per year in premiums after benefiting from federal assistance. The correct way to frame the CBO’s finding is that, by 2026, 24 million fewer people will have health insurance than under current law.
And it’s not just the Medicaid expansion. The result was a confusing mix of 31 states (plus the District of Columbia) that expanded Medicaid and 19 states that did not. That new federal funding stream could be dedicated to funding the cost of the AHCA. The bill now would implement a structure that caps Medicaid funding based on population. The proposal also would fundamentally change the Medicaid program, which now covers about 2 million Georgians.
On average, the federal government matches 57 percent of each state’s Medicaid expenditures. The state would be responsible for any expenses beyond that amount.
It would phase out Obama’s expansion of Medicaid to 11 million additional low earners, cap federal spending for the entire program, repeal taxes the statute imposes and halt federal payments to Planned Parenthood for a year.
Expressing concern is one thing, but a no vote by any GOP member in committee is another – a calculated risk for rank-and-file Republicans.
For the young, healthy, and high-income earners, quite possibly.
A study in OR found that adults with Medicaid coverage were 25 percent more likely to report they were in good-to-excellent health (versus fair-to-poor health), 40 percent less likely to report health declines in the last six months, and 10 percent more likely to screen negative for depression.