Doctor: I wrote Trump’s bill of health in 5 minutes
Bornstein’s missive proclaimed Trump’s laboratory test results to be “astonishingly excellent” and asserted that the 70-year-old GOP presidential nominee “will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency”.
Dr. Harold Bornstein told NBC Nightly News that he wrote the letter endorsing Trump’s physical condition while a limo sent by his campaign was parked outside the doctor’s office.
“Trump’s Doctor assures us @realDonaldTrump many canceled events are not because his seizures are uncontrollable”, another offered, riffing on the rumors about the health of Trump’s political rival Hillary Clinton juxtaposed beside video of the candidate mimicking a reporter with a disability. “He thinks he’s the best, which works out just fine”, said Bornstein, who is board-certified in gastroenterology and internal medicine and is affiliated with Lenox Hill Hospital. It was written last December by Trump’s personal physician, and while painting Trump’s health in glowing terms, it fell well short of the full medical history Trump had promised. Bornstein insisted Trump would be a “fit” president, “because I think his brain is turned on 24 hours a day”. He offered no specific examples.
“As a doctor’s letter, it’s a little bit absurd”.
Bornstein said he wrote the letter himself, but added, “I think I might have picked up his kind of language and then interpreted it as my own”.
On Friday, he spoke with NBC News to explain his “healthiest individual” hyperbole, and he said, “I like that sentence to be quite honest with you”. The letter was not proofread. Well, that doctor gave an interview to NBC News and… wow.
Bornstein says he thought about what to write all day, and “I get rushed and I get anxious when I get rushed”. “Doesn’t smoke, doesn’t drink – and that’s simply the best advantage you can have to live – and he’s got a good family history”.