Donald Trump Fires Back At Nikki Haley
Leaders attending the second annual joint Senate-House Republican retreat applauded the forceful rebuttal to Trump’s rhetoric delivered Tuesday evening by South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley after President Obama’s State of the Union address. In a phone interview with MSNBC Wednesday, Trump came out swinging against Haley, saying she was “weak on immigration” and arguing he’s not anxious he made an enemy out of the governor of an early primary state.
DONALD TRUMP: By the way, I have a massive lead in SC. “We must resist that temptation”, said Haley, the daughter of Indian immigrants.
Coulter’s broadside against Haley drew condemnation from others in the conservative world.
While never mentioning Trump’s name, Haley’s effort on Tuesday to sketch out a kinder and gentler vision of the Republican Party was aimed squarely at pushing back against the billionaire’s populist campaign for the White House.
“[Coulter] is completely incapable of making a positive impact on the things which matter most”, Ross wrote Wednesday. “It’s certainly that, but her speech last night sort of expanded the theme of who is and who isn’t qualified to be a Republican, and the Republican Party is still anti-conservative”, Limbaugh said.
Coulter even went so far as to tweet “Trump should deport Nikki Haley”.
Speaking at the University of Nebraska in Ohama, Mr. Obama railed against candidates “peddling this fiction” that America is getting weaker and that the solution is “looking meaner, talking tougher, carpet bombing wherever we want”.
Trump also said Haley’s latest attempt to demonize him was “interesting” considering she previously solicited campaign funds from him.
“The one that got me, I think, was when he started saying ban all Muslims”.
“Part of why we are hear today is because we are a broad, diverse group of people”.
“I’m very strong on illegal immigration”.
“I think she’s right”, Trump said of Haley.
House Speaker Paul Ryan, who has given the GOP response in the past, told Haley that he completely understood because when he gave the speech, he had the same condition.
She added that Haley “should be on anyone’s short list for vice president based upon her record, based upon her leadership, her record as governor in SC and what she represents for the future”.
The irony is that Nikki Haley is a true Republican conservative who became Governor on the Tea Party wave and his now being attacked for calling out the fake Republican and fake conservative, Trump, who has hijacked the GOP.
Trump had his own rebuttal over Twitter, remarking: “The #SOTU speech is really boring, slow, lethargic – very hard to watch!” “If we have citizens who are law-abiding, who love our traditions, who do everything to be productive citizens in America, they should be welcome in this country”.