Donald Trump: ‘I will get rid of gun-free zones on schools’
After protesters caused a stir at a wildly overbooked Trump rally in Burlington, Vermont, on Thursday night, the Republican presidential frontrunner said people who aren’t supporting him or are still on the fence shouldn’t attend his rallies.
On Wednesday, his staff announced they had given away almost 20,000 tickets for an event in a theater with only 1,400 seats.
The local police chief told the Free Press they had no choice, because, “They [Trump] have the right to say who’s trespassing in violation of their lease agreement, so when people are asked to leave, police escort them out”.
“I went outside. There’s like 20,000 people, we can’t get ’em in”, Trump says proudly. Supporters of Trump were aided by the campaign, which sought to screen those in line to ensure they really backed the candidate. Instead, Trump continued to sign autographs for supporters, ignoring CNN’s questions. He told the crowd: “You know what a gun-free zone is for a sicko?”
“And on military bases, my first day it gets signed, OK?” Bernie has always railed against the 1 percent and still wants more regulation of the financial sector, while Trump has openly supported higher taxes on hedge funds.
In Iowa, the first nominating state, Sanders acknowledged that “if the caucuses were held today, we would probably lose by a little bit”. “So the more votes and emphasis he can give to Bernie, the more Bernie can take from Hillary and it makes her more vulnerable to a Trump campaign in November”.
Jeff Levesque, a Vermont resident who waited in line for over five hours to get into the event, said he is on the fence between Trump and Sanders, noting his own concerns about the economy and national security. “We’re focused on building a independent movement for real change in Vermont instead of taking Trump’s bait”.
After Trump said on Thursday that running against Sanders would be a “dream come true”, the Democratic presidential candidate reminded Trump that in some hypothetical head-to-head matchups between the two candidates, Sanders comes out on top.
Both worked manufacturing jobs, and at one point both were laid off when the factory where they worked moved overseas. Oh, would l love to run against Bernie.
Conrad said he didn’t consider himself a Trump supporter but wanted to take the opportunity to see him speak.
Trump’s remarks came on the same night President Obama sat down for a televised town hall on CNN to discuss his new executive actions to curb gun violence. “There have been a few death threats, negative comments going after me personally and my family”, said Majerus-Collins.
“There’s no more firearm free zones”, Trump said to noisy praise before proceeding to at the end of the day examine the weapon rules on army installations. “I’m here to listen to him and hopefully it’s all good”.
Main Street in the predominantly progressive city was filled with energetic Trump devotees waiting in line hours after the event.
He tests the crowd, asking them, “do we like Bernie?” Trump wants people to think that in our hometown, he has more support than us.