Donald Trump lead shrinks, still tops in GOP field
Now that Trump and Fiorina are No. 1 and No. 2 in a recent poll – oy! – it’s worth taking a closer look at their business records. Prior to 2012, it was always “the silver medalist” in the previous presidential primary contest who typically would become the party’s nominee.
He has said his ideas for job creation will help him win minority voters, including African-Americans. But those corporate bankruptcies were costly; he wound up having to give up many of his real estate holdings, and was even put on a monthly budget for a time. It’s called Muslims. You know our current president is one.
“Carly is out there fighting to raise money”, he said.
According to new surveys from Harper Polling, Clinton and Trump are still the front-runners but their competitors are gaining on them. The man continued, “We have training camps growing where they want to kill us”.
At an event in Columbia, Trump denied opponents’ comments that he had been a Barack Obama supporter. Walker criticized Trump while making his exit announcement. His youth, composure, and aura of intellect convey reasonability and strength at a time when numerous other candidates seem to be panicking.
Some of the other leading Republicans are upside down.
He tweeted Wednesday that he’s boycotting Fox News, even though the network said officials there had canceled a Trump appearance first.
Scott also asked Trump what federal departments he would gut, if elected president.
Kind of makes you wonder why, between the two, or for that matter among the entire pack of Republican candidates, Fiorina is the one that gets characterized as harsh. And 73 percent say that the tax code should be reformed so the wealthy pay proportionately more than middle-class people, a theme that’s been picked up by candidates running the ideological gamut from Trump to Democrat Bernie Sanders. Biden, who continues to struggle with a potential campaign, gets support from 18 percent of Democrats.
IRONICALLY, BOTH parties face a similar problem: How to get voters exhausted of the status quo to support candidates like Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton, both from wealthy and well-connected political dynasties and the very definition of the Washington establishment, however much they protest it.
Granted, when the caucus and primary votes are finally cast, GOP voters may decide not to go with their conservative ideological heart but rather a more pragmatic mind. In that scenario, Clinton receives 53 percent support to Sanders’ 30 percent, with former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley at 1 percent.
But wait. You might also have seen CNN/ORC’s new poll from over the weekend.
As for the casino bankruptcies, Trump likes to characterize them as shrewd business moves, and stresses that he never filed for personal bankruptcy. “Welcome to Trump World, comparing his fragile support from his own party to Hillary Clinton’s sagging but still stronger support from her party”.