Early Voting: More Good Signs For Clinton In Key States
Officials have seen a marked uptick in turnout in the first few days of early voting for the November election. About 80,000 people voted during that week in 2012 before Republican lawmakers eliminated the option in 2014.
That’s why from now through Election Day and beyond, we’ll use this page to track reports of voting problems and irregularities. “They’re ahead by 4,116 votes, a major improvement from their position at this time four years ago, when they trailed by 21,179”.
“I don’t agree with the other states being able to vote early because it doesn’t give everyone an even chance” stated Holly Osborne, junior.
However, for the first time since in-person early voting started last week, Democrats are behind their 2012 pace. Those registered with no party affiliation or to a third party outside of the major two have cast 7,699 early votes thus far.
This is in keeping with national trends. For a list of early voting hours or for more information, call Paxton at 615-374-2712. In 2000, only 16 percent of ballots were cast early.
About 25 percent of those who voted in El Paso County on Monday did not vote in the 2012 election in El Paso, the analysis found.
Nevada is a crucial early voting state.
If Clinton wants to flip North Carolina blue this year, she’ll need strong turnout from African-Americans.
Pennsylvania, along with a dozen other states, does not have early voting.
Figures released Tuesday by the Texas secretary of state’s office reveal first-day turnout in the state’s 15 most populous counties showed sizable gains in almost every part of Texas.
During the first two days of early voting, about 70 percent of early voters were white.
The groups which turned in the most early ballots in the Sunshine State were from older voters. And more than 43,000 folks voted in Tarrant. The state has not voted for a Democrat since 1992, yet a recent Atlantic-Journal Constitution poll had Trump and Clinton within the margin of error. In 2012, Democrats trailed Republicans at this point by 10 percentage points.
In Harris County, 67,471 votes were cast, compared to 47,093 votes in 2012.
People who have a valid photo ID but do not have it with them at the time of voting, can still cast a provisional ballot.
“We are growing our lead in absentee ballots returned” in the state, Chris Carr, political director of the Republican National Committee, said in a memo. Totals reflect all active registered voters. So it’s hard to tell whether they are actually more enthusiastic than they were in the last election cycle – or there are just more of them. It still was a lot easier than getting in the vehicle and going to the Kansas State Fairgrounds on Election Day, she said.
Voters in Texas have claimed that voting machines in several counties changed their presidential votes from Donald Trump to his rival, Hillary Clinton.
“There is nothing wrong with any of the machines we use for voting”. Clinton also could be poised to knock off Trump in Arizona, where no Democrat has won in more than 20 years. “Everybody’s being very patient, and they are moving through the lines very well”.
“Upon hearing the concerns of my fellow Denton County Republicans, I contacted the Denton County Elections Administration”, Hendrickson said in a prepared statement.