Election: Good riddance to Trump birther mania
Portions of the media appeared to reach their breaking point with Donald Trump last Friday after he conned them into a press conference to show off his hotel before finally admitting that President Barack Obama was born in the us and spouting a lie that Hillary Clinton was behind the birther movement.
“No you didn’t. No, you didn’t”, Colbert said. “Next I assume he’s going to announce that water is wet, that bears poop in the woods, and that Donald Trump is not qualified to be president”.
The shameless pandering ended with one sentence, not an apology to Americans or the president. For the record, I’m not saying Obama wasn’t born in the United States. Not period. Question mark.
“f*** you! Exclamation point!” It was Trump who resurrected the controversy.
In 2011, the GOP presidential nominee in large part led the charge of conspiracy theorists questioning President Obama’s natural-born citizenship.
Jimmy Fallon got a lot of flack for inviting Donald Trump on to The Tonight Show only to muss his hair and make jokes about Putin.
How could Trump think he could pull the wool over everyone’s eyes, Colbert wondered. “You know the brand new ballroom that was under budget and ahead of schedule?” But you know what, memory is a tricky thing. Colbert was primed and ready to go with videos, “Maybe I remember it one way and Donald Trump is a liar”.
Trump was so convinced he was right that he demanded other documents from Obama like his college applications and passport.
“First of all, that’s a weird threat”, Colbert admitted. “Saying you got it from Hillary would be like Springsteen saying he only wrote “Born to Run” because he heard Bon Jovi say it once”.
And like many of Trump’s contractors and business relationships, Obama is probably waiting for that $5 million check. “No, I don’t! No one knows what you mean!” Seth might not be inviting Trump to his studio any time soon, but he will certainly get better feedback than the late night host with whom he shares a network home.
Stephen Colbert may have offered the definitive takedown Monday night of Donald Trump’s effort to rewrite history on the whole birther saga.