Moonlight star Mahershala Ali, who won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor, was later pictured with La La Land lead and Best Actress victor Emma Stone. In the cringe-worthy moments to follow, Moonlight was shocking-upset-in-oscar-history-9751/”>rightfully awarded the Oscar.
But whatever you want to call it, the ending of the 2017 Academy Awards sparked an uncontrollable social media firestorm after the wrong victor of the top award – Best Picture – was announced. Shortly after his win, Jenkins praised the La La Land team for their...
So who is performing at the 2017 Academy Awards? “We also knew that we wanted to use Ellen’s yellow dress to recreate the iconic dance scene and most famous shot/poster from the film”.
Sky Cinema has the United Kingdom exclusive with a dedicated Oscars channel, so if you don’t have access (which you can also get through NowTV) you will have to follow along on Twitter or get updates online. It was acceptable to give the Oscar to The Artist in 2011, when...
“La La Land”, starring Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling and yielding the highest number of nominations, boasted the highest worldwide box office earnings of all the best picture contenders with more than 0 million.
The New York Times reported that United States intelligence agents intercepted calls showing that members of Trump’s 2016 campaign had repeated contacts with top Russian intelligence officials in the year preceding the November 8 presidential election.
Some of these results over the years have been preposterous, but I wouldn’t go that far this time, since Adele, who won nearly everything, really is good.
But Trump should be clear about what it will take for him to indeed dedicate time and political capital to this effort. “We made the decision before all this info came out”.
This trade puts them in a position to be the favorites heading into the playoff and if Ibaka can be that ripple effect needed on the defensive end of the floor then the Raptors just became the most risky team in the National Basketball Association.
Every song is carefully crafted with too many contributors to list here – from the experimental soul of James Blake to the southern-seared rock of Jack White to the spoken word of Warsan Shire. For example, Chance the Rapper who is up for the Best Rap Performance and Best...
Look no further than the Staples Center in Los Angeles, where the Mother Monster ranks among a who’s-who of big stars who’ll be performing at Sunday’s 59th Annual Grammy Awards.
Rumor has it The Late Late Show host will be bringing his Carpool Karaoke bit to music’s biggest night – and considering how many of his most famous guests will already be at the show (cough, Adele, cough) that seems solid.