“The Revenant”, the stark and brutal tale of adventure and survival, on Sunday was named outstanding film of 2015 at the British Academy Film Awards, better known as the BAFTAs. But before you bet the farm on it, keep one thing in mind: another film that tells a...
And the Academy are getting pretty sick of being associated with the often-tawdry contents of the bags, which this year include sex toys and a breast lift voucher.
A Cuban foreign ministry official said in reaction to the December interview that Obama was welcome to visit Cuba but not meddle in the country’s internal affairs.
This year’s 69th British Academy Film Awards ceremony will be held at London’s Royal Opera House and will see Stephen Fry take the helm as 25 awards are dished out.
Meanwhile, GRAMMY producers had to scramble when BEYONCE and JAY-Z turned up late, which forced them to flip-flop the last two categories, with Album Of The Year announced before Record Of The Year. “She just went through it”.
Dion Phaneuf – the captain of the Toronto Maple Leafs who only last Saturday was roundly booed every time he touched the puck during an Ottawa match between his Leafs and the Senators – is now himself an Ottawa Senator.
Swift beat out Kendrick Lamar’s “To Pimp a Butterfly” with her hugely-successful “1989”, which makes Swift the first woman to have ever won the award twice.
Ben Barker of the former Magnolia Grill in Durham, and Andrea Reusing of Lantern in Chapel Hill and Durham Hotel in Durham in addition to Christensen of Poole’s Diner in Raleigh won Best Chef Southeast in 2000, 2011 and 2014 respectively. Sawicki was also named a...