In the TV comedy categories, host Anthony’s sitcom Black-ish swept the board, with the 45-year-old winning for outstanding actor, while the show was selected as outstanding comedy series and his co-star Tracee Ellis Ross, daughter of Motown legend Diana Ross, picked up...
But if lower-polling Republican candidates – governors John Kasich, Chris Christie, Jeb Bush and Senator Marco Rubio – drop out of the race, where their supporters turn their votes will be key to determining the nomination, said Eric Heberlig, a political science...
As we learned a few weeks back, this event is known as Crimson Days where players will form a bond with one other friend and join each other in battle.
While his win for “Luther” in the TV Movie/Miniseries category wasn’t that surprising, combined with his film win, it proved to be a great night for Elba.
The Sundance Film Festival’s winners list handed down Saturday included “Weiner”, the sex scandal documentary about Anthony Weiner’s failed bid for New York Mayor.
However the actor quipped “welcome to diverse TV” at the Screen Actors Guild Awards, whose nominees included a number of stars of colour, as he collected awards for his roles in the gritty war film and BBC drama Luther.