Fact checking Jeb Bush’s attack on Donald Trump’s ‘tax plan’
Indeed, Trump hasn’t released an actual tax plan – he reportedly will do so later this month – and his comments about taxes on the campaign trail have been ambiguous, at best. It’s his personality, and the rest of his policies, that they can’t stand. ‘I was speaking from the podium. “Trump further said that “[the audience] all stood there and didn’t go back [to their chairs]” when he started speaking.
Trump displayed little patience for the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which he vowed to do away with. “The only thing I do like about him is that he wants to eliminate the carried interest loophole”. “We’re fighting ISIS and Assad has to be saying to himself, “They are the nicest or dumbest people that I’ve ever imagined”, Trump said. “And that is actually something useful I have never instructed anybody”. In his August 18 interview with Time, Trump said he would not propose changes that increase the net amount of taxes.
On Wednesday, he said it will call for middle-class tax cuts and hikes for hedge fund managers.
Like a lot of Trump’s opinions, that’s a characterization rooted in resentment that the proper distribution of economic entitlement has been upended. The New York Times eventually published a story that occupied the top slot on its politics Web page for most of the day.
“Well, would you agree he is a plainspoken kind of guy?”
On September 23, Trump said the plan will be unveiled next week.
Hedge funds aren’t even the businesses that use carried interest the most – that’s private equity firms.
And when pressed on his plan for repealing and replacing Obamacare, Trump said he would put in place a plan to ensure universal healthcare coverage – with the government footing the bill when necessary – and he pledged to “make a deal with existing hospitals to take care of people”.
‘If you look at the pictures when I walked in, ‘ he said, ‘it took me 10 minutes to get to the podium. But that was a response to a question about a flat tax, in which everyone pays the same rate, regardless of income.
Culturally and socially, Trump has been isolated from, and by, the elite circles his wealth should qualify him to be a part of.
Crowd counts have become a campaign weapon for Trump as he works overtime to hammer home the message that he’s the biggest draw in the Republican presidential field. “There’s certainly no close set of relations there”.
There is an increasing consensus on his specific point about ending the carried interest loophole.
He had been asked to address a convention of black business owners, and agreed as a personal favor.