Fallout 4 Infinite Bottle Caps Farming Exploit That Can Make You Rich
If you’re just getting into the Fallout series, all of this may sound confusing – what are caps, and why would you want one of them, let alone an infinite number?
It obviously won’t be long before Bethesda patches this glitch so if you’re willing to gain the extra advantage in Fallout 4, quickly start collection as many caps as you can, you will no longer be able to use this method once the glitch is patched. Buy the vendor’s entire supply of one kind of ammo.
The vendor will replenish his stock of bottle caps 24 hours after running out, so you can go sleep for that amount of time in-game and return to the same vendor to do this all over again.
If the glitch works, the amount of ammo in your inventory won’t change, but the caps you’re getting increases as if it had.
However, as GameZone points out, the glitch will not actually get you unlimited currency. Sell back one of the rounds you just purchased. 3. Therefore, I suggest finding a particularly wealthy merchant, and all the better if you find one carrying items you want. Go to the vendor’s inventory and press the Buy button repeatedly. You may need a fair few caps to do this so make sure you’ve got a good 500 caps on you.
Find a vendor with ammo and save your game – this doesn’t work with every vendor. If you’re still interested, however, here’s a video that demonstrates the glitch for you.