Fiorina, GOP candidates try to capitalize on debate
They got into a heated back-and-forth on casino gambling in Florida. “I know this, sadly, from personal experience”. Her dad, Neal, says she’s had many doctor’s appointments over the past 12 months, and many vaccinations. Even the first characters – I mean, everything was about Trump. And the top two most buzzed-about moments of the evening on the social network were Fiorina responding to Donald Trump’s comments regarding her looks, and Fiorina discussing Planned Parenthood.
The Republican presidential candidates wrangled over immigration, gay marriage and foreign affairs during Wednesday’s prime-time debate, hosted by CNN.
The former CEO of Hewlett Packard looked confident and prepared on stage with the 10 other male candidates, and the general consensus this morning seems to be that she had the strongest showing of any of the candidates last night.
“I think that during that experience, as well as my battle with cancer, I learned that love and faith heal all, if given enough time“.
“I thought it was ideal “. “I think that Donald Trump might fall in the polls after this debate I don’t think he comes off as a serious candidate“, said conservative voter Dr. Marshall Flam.
JC: (Sarcastically) But we know that the Republicans have a war against women, so it’s going to be hard for us to actually nominate her as our presidential candidate, right?
Donald Trump and Jeb Bush are the Laurel and Hardy of the Republican field.
“It was a long debate”, he said.
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who during the debate interrupted what he called a “food fight” between Trump and Fiorina over their business records, called the exchange emblematic of the entire campaign. Trump also complained about the length of the debate, saying “three hours is too much” and likening it to the running time of Gone With The Wind. She got her chance to stand up to Donald Trump (good thing CNN changed its original rules based on previous polling and let her qualify for the debate).
“On the very first day in office, I will rip to shreds this catastrophic Iranian nuclear deal”, Sen. “I’m not sure how much ground he lost, but he certainly didn’t gain any”. It would be fascinating to see a contest between Hillary Clinton and Carly Fiorina for the presidency.