Florida’s vote total keeps surging before Election Day
For more, we’re joined by Ari Berman, author of the recent article, “There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act”.
That would be good news for Hillary Clinton’s chances.
And so far, they make up 21 percent of the ballots, with Republicans and Democrats making up about 39 percent each.
Osier says she voted for Clinton, adding that she’s always been a fan. Prompted by the controversial Bush v. Gore decision, states created uniform counting standards, which had been contested during the Florida recount.
Why? For two main reasons. Some analysts have even concluded that Clinton already won Nevada based on early voting by Democrats. Does that mean we can expect short lines on Tuesday? Some of these are tallied on election night, but not all.
Ballots are still coming in but North Carolina has already set a new record for early voting. “We’re running out of time, but I know we can do this”. The Fix’s Chris Cillizza explains. What would trigger a recount of the ballots? In presidential years, Minnesota usually has led the nation in turnout during the 2000s, with 70 percent to almost 80 percent of eligible voters casting ballots. Mistakes don’t invalidate your ballot. You are not required to have photo identification. But the third and fourth-ranked states – OH and Arizona – are.
If you thought you were not going to be able to vote at home, but it turns out that you can, the Judge of Elections will note on the appropriate form that you appeared to vote in person.
Amid concern among voting rights advocates over possible voter suppression at the polls this Election Day, voters can now view issues in real time on one map. The Brennan Center for Justice lists the incidence of voter fraud as “between 0.00004 percent and 0.0009 percent” of all votes in its report on the subject. When the absentee ballots are counted at the Board of Elections’ office, your unopened absentee ballot is marked void and does not count. Often that number is 0.5 percent of the total vote.
Q: Remind us, what’s the deadline for mailing in vote by mail ballots? But she was inspired to vote for the first time after listening to the Rev. Tom Jones at Heaven’s Destiny Assembly of God Church, as buses and vans waited outside to take parishioners to voting sites where some waited up to 90 minutes to vote.
About half of the Latino voting bloc tends to come to the polls on Election Day.
Florida, with its 29 electoral votes, could easily tip the presidential election. There’s no greater source of pride than casting a ballot, no matter where you are on the political spectrum.
The deadline for voter registration is long gone. Hillary Clinton was leading in the polls, and early voting seemed to indicate that her supporters had enough enthusiasm to ensure victory.
Matt Drudge reports Trump is ahead of Romney’s 2012 North Carolina vote count by 142,000 ballots. She says she voted a straight Democratic ticking, including for U.S. Senate candidate Patrick Murphy. An overview of Monday’s state poll results show Trump with huge leads in Kentucky, Idaho, South Dakota and Louisiana, while New Hampshire, New York, Minnesota and Colorado are all in Clinton’s favor. About 2,700 precincts will open across North Carolina on Tuesday. Make sure that the media does not call them prematurely without adequately considering the possibility that provisional ballots might affect the outcome.
But, like everything else in Florida, it’s slightly more complicated than that.
I found out that apparently white out is very common on vote by mail ballots. In some states, only a political party official may request a recount. That’s not because the system is “rigged”. Just take your time, read carefully and vote your conscience.
Again, states have their own laws concerning that.