Florida voters like legalized pot, Dems for Senate; disapprove of Obama, Scott
The Quinnipiac poll also tested the temperature of Ohio’s U.S. Senate race between Republican Sen. “In 2014, voters expressed overwhelming support for legalization, but at the ballot box they failed to meet the 60 percent threshold required by the State Constitution”, Brown said.
Majorities of voters supported the legalization of marijuana for personal use in Ohio and Florida, while Pennsylvania voters were split on the question.
The new numbers are being released as Ohio voters head to the polls as part of early voting to determine if marijuana should be legalized in Ohio. Support drops to 52 to 44 percent among voters 35 to 49 years old.
“It’s a monopolistic set up, letting the marijuana market be controlled by a few select businesses in Ohio”, said Curt Steiner of Ohioans Against Marijuana Monopolies.
Experts say this results reinforce the gendered stereotypes and inequalities that hold back the women’s participation in drug policy reform, creating obstacles to ending the marijuana prohibition in the US, according to the Christian Science Monitor. Seniors oppose legalizing pot for personal use by a 56-to-39 percent margin.
By a margin of 56 to 39 percent, voters over 65 are the most opposed to making marijuana legal.
Issue 3 would legalize marijuana for recreational and medical purposes and would build a new wholesale and retail infrastructure around the newly legal product.
Under proposed law, medical marijuana laws only protect patients from criminal penalties, not from termination by their employers, as the use is still illegal under federal law. The crop is coming in at Minnesota Medical Solutions, one of two manufacturers who will be supplying the state’s medical marijuana.
According to another Quinnipiac poll released Wednesday, Rubio is not Florida’s top choice in the Republican race for the White House.
This survey was conducted by Quinnipiac University using live interviewers calling land lines and cell phones from September 25th to October 5th.
With less than a month until Ohio’s controversial marijuana legalization vote, supporters and opponents of Issue 3 are ramping up their advertising time.
Four states – Washington, Colorado, Oregon and Alaska – and Washington, D.C. have passed legislation to legalize recreational marijuana.