Floridians Boo Wasserman Schultz Ahead Of Democratic Convention
On Monday morning, Wasserman Schultz spoke to a large room of Florida delegates and was repeatedly booed and interrupted while attempting to speak. Some delegates, apparently disappointed supporters of her primary rival, Bernie Sanders, jeered and waved signs reading “Thanks for the ‘help, ‘ Debbie”, and more simply, “E-mail”. “But, you know, Debbie Wasserman Schultz has stepped down, and now it’s time to move forward”.
The four-day homage to the nation’s first female nominee for president took an early hit with the pre-convention release by Wikileaks of nearly 20,000 Democratic Party emails, some of which showed Democratic staffers clearly favoring Clinton over Sanders in the midst of the hard-fought primaries.
She struggled to raise the kind of cash that national party leaders had hoped for, in part because of an outside group set up by President Barack Obama – Organizing for Action – that diverted resources away from the DNC fundraising machine.
Emails were apparently leaked from seven DNC officials’ accounts, though CNN was not able to independently verify their authenticity.
Clinton campaign officials pointed the finger for the hack at Russian military intelligence agencies.
“Brothers and sisters, this is the real world that we live in”, Sanders said as he tried to quiet the crowd.
He said Clinton should follow Wasserman Schultz’s lead and drop out over her failure to safeguard top-secret, classified information both on her unauthorized home server and while traveling overseas.
For Democrats who spent last week throwing stones at Republicans’ troubled convention in Cleveland, the scene was a painful reminder of their own glass house. “The Dems Convention is cracking up”, he tweeted.
Her exit, coming after Hillary Clinton accepts the Democratic presidential nomination Thursday night, still isn’t coming soon enough for some critics.
The Sanders delegates from NY are holding a special meeting Monday morning. Bernie Sanders’ campaign before Hillary Clinton became the Democrats’ presumptive presidential nominee.
In terms of convention operations, the DNC Rules Committee tapped Ohio Rep. Marcia Fudge to fill in as permanent chair of the convention to gavel in and out each session, according to a DNC source. One top Democratic official described Wasserman Schultz to CNN as “quarantined”. He says it’s “great” that Wasserman Schultz resigned, but is philosophical about the Wikileaks release. She even called the display “interesting” and “entertaining”.
“They don’t understand the actual nature of what we’re trying to do”, she says of the Clinton campaign and Democratic party establishment, “because they keep misstepping”. It highlights that the Democratic Party is not as united as it would like to portray itself as (particularly as when it compares itself to the extremely fractured GOP).
President Bill Clinton, watching from the audience, leapt to his feet and applauded, as did most of the delegates filling the convention arena.
“If you don’t believe this election is important, if you think you can sit it out, take a moment to think about the Supreme Court justices that Donald Trump would nominate and what that would mean to civil liberties, equal rights and the future of our country”, he said.