Former Top Bush Official To Back Clinton Over Trump
Do voters agree? It’s not clear yet.
It cites GOP insiders as worrying that Trump may be leery of changing his bombastic campaign style which ended up making him the presumptive Republican presidential nominee.
But Trump’s recent slide has reopened an advantage for Clinton, whose 55 percent unfavorable mark is now 15 points below Trump’s.
It was shocking to hear Trump congratulate himself after the Orlando tragedy. He boasted, “I’ve been a pretty good prognosticator as to what’s going to be happening”.
That’s in response to President Obama’s warning on Tuesday that Trump’s rhetoric was unsafe and reminiscent of much darker days in America.
“I’m spending my days commenting on everything that Donald Trump says”, lamented John McCain, chairman of Senate Armed Services Committee. Voters are aware of that.
In the latest sign Americans are dreading their general election options – and particularly one of them – negative views of Donald Trump have surged to their highest level of the 2016 campaign, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.
A new poll released Thursday by Public Policy Polling showed that in the state of Virginia with its 13 electoral votes, Trump has closed the gap on Clinton to just three percentage points. Democrat Hillary Clinton is also deeply unpopular , but not as much. But even shading on the up side, the numbers are not encouraging for Trump. The LGBT community has shown little support for the candidate. “There were none, and they knew there were none”. He is exploiting fear. They’re killing us, you guys. “There will be nothing, absolutely nothing, left”. On the other hand, if the election becomes a referendum on whether voters will feel safe with Trump as president, he’s more likely to lose. He was born in NY with access to lethal weapons. Fearful voters might declare, “We can’t go on like this”.
Trump recounted his unlikely primary state victories to the overflow crowd at Gilley’s as evidence that he does better at the ballot box than the political experts expect.
But Trump’s support among virtually every other demographic is evaporating as well: liberals, conservatives, Republican women, Democratic men, independents, and even white Americans without a four-year college degree. A Gallup poll last month (before Orlando) found that 50 percent of voters think he’s better equipped than Clinton to deal with terrorism and national security. Neither Johnson nor Stein can win. That provides a challenge for the Clinton campaign. Watch an ABC News report about a new poll conducted by the network in the video below.
“Hillary Clinton is a proven leader who shares our values”, said AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka in a statement. This should probably terrify us as much as Trump’s racism.