Free HIV Testing Offered as Part of World AIDS Day
“AIDS greatest public health challenge” was posted in National of TheNews International – on December 01, 2016 and was last updated on December 01, 2016.
The new HIV action plan builds on previous achievements and reformulates the public health response to HIV/AIDS.
According to a WHO progress report, lack of an HIV diagnosis is a major obstacle to implementing the Organization’s recommendation that everyone with HIV should be offered antiretroviral therapy (ART).
Though India now does not allow HIV self-test, the United Nations agency’s guidance has even prompted the health ministry here to evaluate the proposal.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported an estimated 1.2 million Americans are now infected with HIV, but one in eight don’t know they have it.
27 022 new HIV cases were diagnosed in western European countries (18%). In Lancaster County, this number is probably close to 1,000. “Early diagnosis can link people to services that will help them stay healthy longer, benefit most from treatment, reduce costly hospital visits, and help prevent transmission to others”. But that is not enough, she says, because the system is failing a lot of people and causing them to default on medication.
“Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, no one can be denied coverage for pre-existing conditions like HIV, and millions of people can now access quality, affordable health insurance plans that cover important services like HIV testing and screening”, Obama wrote.
This year marks the 35th anniversary of the first detection of HIV.
“Since 2010, there have been no declines in new HIV infections among adults”.
An estimated of 34 million inhabitants have died of having HIV or AIDS in which 1.2 million children in the year 2014. There will also be information for anyone living with HIV right now. Similarly, each year 0.2 per cent of people between the age of 15 and 49 years are infected with HIV. Those with positive results are advised to seek confirmatory tests at health clinics.
Finally, we must work to assure access to health care for all persons -regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or socioeconomic status.