Fresno’s Discovery Center will host special viewing of solar eclipse after all
The next time a total solar eclipse will be visible from the United States is April 8th, 2024.
“The most important thing is that the contact information should be printed in which the manufacturer is identified by name, by address, they give you their phone number”.
The eclipse will be total in a 100-mile-wide swath of the country from OR to SC, and will be partial in Southern California – 57 percent in San Diego.
However, you don’t want to try to take photos or videos of the eclipse without protection for the lens.
The countdown is on for the total solar eclipse that takes place on August 21.
The Slidell Branch is also offering a children’s program on the eclipse. The unapproved glasses can be unsafe if you wear them to view the eclipse. We get a solar eclipse when the moon is positioned between the earth and the sun, preventing the sun’s light from reaching the earth in some areas.
“A solar eclipse goes through your part of the world only rarely”. The moon will begin to cover the sun around 9:10 a.m. and continue for 2-3 hours, perhaps up to 85 percent at the eclipse peak, expected about 10:20 a.m. However, if you’re outside the path of the total eclipse, like me, then it’s never safe because the sun will only be partially covered. Even more concerning? People who’ve injured their eyes during an eclipse may not even be immediately aware they’re damaged.
“It looks nearly dark as night, except for that little ring that’s going to be around the sun”. Cameras, cell phone cameras, binoculars, telescopes and other devices will need a solar filter to view the eclipse without damage to the camera sensor or the viewer’s eyes.
These parties will include solar eclipse viewing, activities and story times. If the person who gave you the glasses is an amateur or professional astronomer, the AAS said, it’s likely they’re up to the proper standards. To view the eclipse, turn your back to the sun and hold the paper with the pinhole over your shoulder.