George Lucas ‘really liked’ ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’
“It’s always joyful and always uplifting even though bad things happen”.
Lucas now joins many other people that have seen the film including numerous cast and crew as well as Steven Spielberg. So Disney made the odd decision to keep the location of the premiere strictly on a “need to know” basis.
In a vacuum, it might seem like folks are overreacting, but this is just one of many troubling signs that race is still a factor in the movie business.
The “Star Wars” universe may Awaken in theaters on December 18, but it’s already out in full Force at Walt Disney World.
The force is strong throughout the entire park: Chewbacca steins and BB-8 tumblers are for sale, storm troopers roam on patrol, and each gift shop has a selection of Star Wars merchandise. You can be sure that the fate of Luke, what Finn and Rey’s last names are and all the rest will be out there online nearly immediately. “In a way, we were going backward to go forward”.
And quite frankly, that sucks. The Imperial Stormtroopers have always been likened to Nazi armies, and many feminists view Princess Leia’s gold metal bikini and metal-collar captivity in “Return of the Jedi” as embodying a tyrannical ideal of feminine beauty. And it’s nice to hear Lucas enjoyed the movie, especially since Kennedy said he had a hard time “watching this go on without his direct involvement”.
It isn’t that the artwork and collectible aspects aren’t interesting – I watched guest after guest stop to consider the purchase of a Darth Vader helmet – but they aren’t must-see-in-person kinds of things.
This is a good sign I guess. “I’d make myself miserable”, he explained.
Lucas was not involved with the movie’s production, marking the first core Star Wars film that he had no hand in making. The secrecy has stirred rampant online speculation, particularly about the fate of Skywalker, who is absent from trailers and posters promoting the new film. At the Children’s Defense Fund Beat the Odds Awards in Los Angeles earlier this week, Abrams told ET that that galaxy fans don’t need to worry about any spoilers.
When reporters asked whether there will be any new John Williams music to accompany the new fireworks show, Giordana paused and said: “Am I allowed to answer?”