Gingrich says Trump is a ‘necessary candidate’
“I think the Clintons are very, very hardworking”, Gingrich said.
Trump has also interviewed Gov. Mike Pence of Indiana, Senator Joni Ernst from Iowa and Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions. She was terrific, and very supportive.
We were engaged in a compelling discussion about a lot of things, where he was asking me most of the questions, because he wanted to listen and learn. “And Iowa is where my heart is”, Ernst said. He told reporters he withdrew because “I just felt like I was far more suited for other types of service”. But, “I think he has to make that decision”.
Trump in recent days, however, has teased that as many as 10 people, including two military generals, are in the mix.
Not only has Florida Sen.
His team also wound up – accidentally, it said – choosing as a delegate to the upcoming Republican National Convention a white nationalist leader named William Johnson whose group paid for pro-Trump robo-calls during the GOP primary. “And I’ll be deciding sometime prior to the convention”, Trump said.
Newt Gingrich is “actively lobbying” to be Donald Trump’s running mate, a source familiar with the process told CNN Saturday.
The 73-year-old former congressman from Georgia, who resigned his speakership and his seat in 1999 while under a cloud of ethics violations and facing a rebellion of his fellow Republicans, was well-received by a crowd that chanted his name when he appeared on stage.
Republican Donald Trump’s list of potential vice presidential running mates got a little shorter on Wednesday, July 6, when one prominent U.S. senator withdrew from consideration and a second said she wanted to focus on her home state.
His tweet came after Mic News reported on Sunday that the image attacking Mrs Clinton – which included the words: “History made” and, inside the star, “most corrupt candidate ever!” – had been shared on a neo-Nazi web forum. More than 400,000 people donated to Trump, and campaign officials said they expect to draw in even more online money over the summer from Trump’s “passionate supporters”. “So we’re going to increase the federal minimum wage and give the middle class a raise”. He added, “I said, ‘Too bad, you should have left it up.’ I would have rather defended it”. Trump said. “These people are sick”.
“I would like to see an increase of some magnitude”, Trump told Todd.
Gingrich said he has been vetted for the job, but he has yet to decide whether to partner with Trump were he to be asked.