GIRAFFE WATCH: April appearing a little on-edge
But now, it seems as though a mother-to-be in upstate NY may be close to upstaging her.
In a cute twist, April “released a statement” about her pregnancy stardom-and she doesn’t like the attention.
Animal Adventure Park, where April is at, is also selling giraffe swag. “Major baby kicks continue”.
Back in Denver, zoo staff had to initially feed Dobby, but officials say he’s now nursing and appears in good health.
Last month, a complaint to YouTube that characterized the stream as “sexually explicit” caused the stream to be yanked, reports The Washington Post. The animals live at Animal Adventure Park.
A live video of April waiting to begin active labor has been streaming since February 22 and has had tens of thousands of people watching throughout the process, flooding Google with giraffe-related searches.
Dobby was having difficulty standing and nursing, so zoo staff provided supplemental feeding – but the calf wasn’t receiving enough infection-fighting proteins from his mother. The zoo said keepers were able to “get hands on the belly” and “make contact” with April’s baby giraffe.
No big news for April and Oliver Thursday morning, the two giraffes that have people around the world on edge awaiting the birth of their calf.
Dobby was 5-feet-tall and weighed 73 pounds when he was born – figures that are actually small for a new giraffe, according to the Denver Zoo.
The zoo plans to hold an online naming competition for the baby after it’s born.
In another Facebook video, the park owner addressed a number of concerns from viewers.
April’s fans have stayed loyal to the live stream, waiting for the big moment.