Give One Last Gift This Holiday Season With A Blood Donation
“By giving up just one hour of your time you could save or improve up to three lives”, a spokeswoman said.
The winter months are traditionally the most challenging for the Red Cross in receiving blood donations.
“This is a great opportunity for you to give back to you community”, Corden Porter said.
She said it was always hard to get enough blood donations during the festive season, but people did not need to stop celebrating completely.
Many people in Lincolnshire will be considering giving things up for the New Year, like unhealthy food or alcohol -But you can change your life by choosing to give.
Blood donations go to help people who need lifesaving transfusions due to trauma, patients with cancer or blood diseases, and premature babies.
Perth residents have been urged to donate blood in the coming days to ensure there are enough platelet supplies, mainly for cancer patients.
A spokesperson from NHS Blood and Transplant said: “Giving blood for the first time is an inspirational way to start 2016”. Individuals who are 17 years of age (16 with parental consent in some states), weigh at least 110 pounds and are in generally good health may be eligible to donate blood. Eighty percent of the blood donations given to the American Red Cross are collected at mobile blood drives set up at community sites, while the remaining 20 percent are collected at American Red Cross donor centers.