Google Lowers Minimum Android App Price in 17 Countries
However, it seems that Tasker has mysteriously vanished from the Google Play Store for improperly using the app permission that ignores Android 6.0’s battery optimization settings.
Now the second feature: Google will let people stream apps from search results, allowing users to experience the full app sans download.
Here’s how it looks: Search for a hotel in a city, and you can explore the HotelTonight results from inside the search results without having to download the app.
While it’s likely that this feature will eventually be ubiquitous, Google says that it’s only testing app streaming with a few select partners.
The new lower minimum costs are supposed to encourage those in countries like Brazil and Chile to install more paid apps because as Google says in its blog, “Purchasing behavior… varies significantly between markets”. Additionally, the company is starting a small pilot program to deliver search results for apps that are mobile-only.
This could fundamentally change how searching for content in apps works on mobile devices.
“All of the 100 billion links that we have indexed now have Web pages associated with them”, Patel said. For the mobile apps taking part – Hotel Tonight, Weather, Chimani, Gormey, My Horoscope, Visual Anatomy Free, Useful Knots, Daily Horoscope and NY Subway – Google will surface content “when we think it’s relevant for users”, Patel said. If the test is successful, Google will expand it, he said.
Google has started rolling out an update for its Fit app that now includes a personal trainer app for Android Wear, a home screen widget, apart from new monthly and weekly summary views.
Google has the clear lead. Its mobile software Android is the world’s most popular.